goat farming
Goat farming is given priority over some of the agricultural practices as it could be profitable and sustainable. Goats are multi-purpose animals because they could be kept for goat meat, goat milk, goat fiber, and even goat manure. Goat adaptability makes them resilient and productive in diversified climatic and geographic conditions; thus making them suitable for both semi-urban and rural farmers.
On the other hand, goat farming also involves much lower capital input than other livestock enterprises. The reproduction rates or kidding rates in goats are also relatively higher than other livestock species. Goat milk is nutritionally dense, thus a precious alternative to cow milk.
Goat milk gets transformed into other dairy products such as goat cheese, goat yogurt or even goat ice cream. There is another value-added consumer food product, goat meat, which features prominently on consumers’ grocery list throughout the world based on flavour and nutrition.
Most importantly, from an agronomic point of view, grazing goats even improves grazing quality, thus less reliance on hand-weeding. Other than these benefits of goat farming, goat farming is a still appropriate livestock option for smallholder farmers who wish to diversify their animal farming activities and therefore earn money since they are hardy animals and produce both milk and meat from low-quality feed.
Goat farm investment plan?
Apart from the above, cost, breed, and infrastructural cost for a low investment goat farm business in India will be subjected to the following highly general estimate for a small-scale farm with approximately 10 goats:-
Cost of goats : Indigenous breeds like Jamunapari or Beetal would be about ₹5,000 to ₹8,000 per goat. Initial investment could be as high as around ₹50,000 to ₹80,000 for 10 goats.
Stop : Shed building for the simple kind of shed can be made for ₹20,000 to ₹40,000 depending upon the raw materials sourced in the market.
Feed and Healthcare : Amounts of feed and veterinary expense would work up to an estimate of ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 a month.
Miscellaneous Cost: Fencing, labour, water supply ₹10,000 to ₹15,000.
The small goat farm thus invests in an initial investment of ₹80,000 to ₹1.5 lakh. Loans by government facilities are made available on demand that further reduces the initial cost of investment and the venture becomes cheap.
What is the profit per goat in goat farming?
Goat farming in India has become very much a money spinner as it requires lesser investments and brings better returns. Average goat will generate profit ranging between ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 annually depending upon breed, management, and market conditions.
There is some factor that leads to profitability. Of course, some breed needs the market-for example, Boer and Saanen, whose market prices are greater since they produce meat and milk. Once managed appropriately with the animals, the goat will produce 2-3 kids per year, thus the income from their sales will be higher. Very little space is needed in goat farming, and it quickly makes use of already existing facilities in order to cut down operational cost.
The increasing demand for goat meat during festival and ceremonial days would keep the venture going and making profits. Good breeding, health care, and proper feeding will maximize profit from goat farming and seem to appear an excellent part of rural entrepreneurship in India.
How many kg is a full goat?
The adult goats have weight ranges that vary by breed. Here are general weight ranges for you below.
Dairy goats: Usually weighing in at between 45 to 90 kg (100 to 200 lbs).
The Boer, in conjunction with all other meat goats, typically ranges from 70 to 130 kg. This is equivalent to 150 to 300 pounds.
These can even reach so short in height as 40 cm with a weight at 20 to 30 kg or more, equivalent to 44 to 66 lbs.
The mature goat weighs about 20 kg and more than 130 kg according to the breed and age.
How much space is required for 50 goat farming?
Once one decides to keep 50 goats, the considerations are very different from those needed for the space, and these would all depend on type, purpose-being it dairy goat, meat goat, fiber goat, or even pets-and local regulations. Ideally, a good rule of thumb is:
Externally Outer Area: The space required for roaming and grazing out by a goat would be at least 200 to 300 square feet. That, therefore, would translate into having a total of about 10,000 to 15,000 square feet for 50 goats. This would translate to an area of approximately 0.23 to 0.34 acres of space where the goats would graze and roam inside.
Shelter Goats require protection from the direct sun, rain, or sun rays. Animal shelter in the form of a barn or shed should cover at least 15 to 20 square feet for every goat. Target shelter space for 50 goats is at 750 to 1,000 square feet.
Fencing : The area should be fenced with sufficient fencing to keep the goats safe and sure that no livestock escapes. They are curious animals, so the quality of the fencing is superb.
It requires at least 10,000 to 15,000 square feet of open space for 50 goats and a sheltering capacity with a cover for 750 to 1,000 square feet.
How to get a loan for a goat farm?
One of the most gratifying entrepreneur activities is setting up a Goat Farm in India. Still, there are days when it is really quite tough just getting ends meeting. Now, here’s an easy step-by-step guide on how to get a loan:
Business Plan: This would be where you’d present your plan for opening a farm. It could capture how you’d want to be, how many goats you plan raising, and projections of your financial inputs. Such a plan would come across to the lenders as serious about your project. It is only after such judgment that they can decide whether the project will come to fruition.
Eligibility Criteria : Surf through thousands of loan schemes that are available for agriculture. The government will also provide schemes under PM-KCC, and funding through NABARD will provide you with finances.
Paperwork Collection : You will find the identity proof and address proof, ownership of the land, and a copy of your business plan.
Meet the Lenders : Stop banks, cooperative societies and microfinance institutions. Carry your business plan and as many documentations as possible as loan seeking proofs.
Use Subsidies : In livestock farming, there are various government subsidies, which can be subsidized on loans.
With such a thoughtful planning and right approach, you will be able to acquire finance for your goat rearing venture.
Which loan is 50% subsidy?
The loan offered to the people of India, traditionally 50 percent subsidized, may be seen as even more subsidized loan schemes for the small farmer or business individual. Examples of this include:
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY): The interest subsidy on home loans will be provided by the government for first time home buyers. Accordingly, there will be provided for the CLSS, an average settlement of Rs 2.67 lakh, which is half of that amount in interest subsidy, as provided by housing loans for classes of income.
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): This is not a loan in the classic stringency but guarantees wages to those rural households, and this will allow them to secure loans for small business enterprise or farming, and hence, is a subsidy to maintaining livlihood.
National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED): The farmers would be entitled to loans with less interest rate, and interest on agriculture and everything connected with agriculture, and adding economic value to the Indian condition.
This type of scheme are essentially forward thinking in order to restore India’s economic valued professioanl condition and expand on the standard of living.
What is the best age to buy a goat?
The age depends on the goals or the circumstances. Ideally, the best ages to get a goat would be between 8 weeks and 6 months. These goats are weaned and could fit well with new environments, hence making them easy to train and socialize.
If you buy a goat that is less than 8 weeks old, then you will have to be more cautious because it requires maternal support and special feeding. Goats, however, older than 6 months are well developed but might already have acquired behaviors that might be hard for any new owner to handle.
Goats Breeding You may obtain a one-year-old goat, as they can run with adult goats and will therefore be much more mature and have a better reproductive history. Best age depends on the experience of the buyer and the personal goals for buying a goat: as a companion, to produce milk, or meat.
What is the equipment used for goats?
These are some of the very basic ingredients in raising goats toward good health, safety, and productivity. And here is some sort of summary of equipment for goats .
Fencing : Goats should be fenced with a form of strong and safe enclosure. You may use either woven wire, stock fencing, or electric fencing.
Shelter : Goats need to have shelter in a dry, clean place free from wet weather. The can be barns, sheds, or even three-sided shelter.
Feeders : A good feeder saves wastes and allows goats to access hay and grain easily. The types include hay racks and troughs.
Watering Systems: The goats will need fresh clean water at all times. Automatic waterers or big tubs should prove to be excellent sources of steady water for the goats.
Milking Machines and Accessories : For successful milking, dairy goats will need milking machines and storage tanks for dairy production.
Health Supplies : Minerals, vitamins, and dewormers are essential for the management of good health and good body condition of the goats.
They improve the amicable environment between goats, whereby the larger proportion leads to health and production.
Is goat farming tax free?
Although goat farming is highly tax free in India, tax provisions tend to attract them to help reduce the load. Here are some key points
Agricultural Income : For goat farming, the income so generated is treated as agricultural income and is exempted from income tax if the farmer is basically an agriculturist. That comes under the exemption clause if goats are bred and reared for selling.
Income Ceiling: Any income beyond ₹2.5 million by way of goat farming is taxed according to the slabs of total income charged or the total income.
Allowances and Incentives: There are several benefits and government incentives for cost reduction operations such as livestock farming wherein the farmers can be accorded low taxation.
Accounting: Accurate records of income as well as expenditures need to be kept to determine the bases of the claims which are filed against agricultural income once the tax is levied.
Conclusion: Goat farming can prove to be a way through which they can be excused from paying income tax; but utmost respect for the legislation of their place and proper accounting need to be conducted to avoid any transgression.
How long do goats live?
Goats are indeed rather sturdy animals; they can easily represent playful and hard-playing nature. Still, it is another story when the issue of their lifespan from goat to goat comes to be the concern of breed, care, and living conditions. Generally, a domestic goat lives between 10 and 15 years, though some breeds can live longer, like the Nigerian Dwarfs, which may live up to 20 years if properly cared for.
Other determinants of a goat’s lifespan include genetics, nutrition, and veterinary care. Of course, health checks, vaccinations, and proper feeding will enhance the animal’s survival. Goats which are sheltered or under house safety and kept amidst other goats have long lives.
Conversely, wild goats are expected to live a relatively short life at 8-12 years attributed to predations and environmental stresses. Lessons acquired for care provision improvements are intended to make sure the animals are healthier for longer-lived periods.
Are goats good for income?
Of course, the goats are a source of profitability to small farmers and entrepreneurs. Compared to big livestock and therefore low maintenance animals, they have fewer demands for space and food. Some streams of income that the goats will offer include meat, milk, fiber, and manure.
It is of high demand with excellent properties in digestibility. It may be sold as it is or processed into curd, yoghurt, cheese, and a myriad of other products. The meat of the goat also gives good returns since they are consumed in most local markets as part of their diet. Some breeds produce cashmere or mohair: fabrics so highly demanded in the textile industry.
Goats are environment-friendly as they can be raised even on marginal lands, and indeed weeds are controlled. Altogether, goat rearing can become a very lucrative and sustainable business under proper management and well-defined market strategy.
How many goats is a good amount?
The ideal number of goats to keep would depend on so many factors like space what one can allocate to the goats and what goals they have with raising goats. In general hobby farming or raising them personally would typically start with 2 to 4 goats. Goats are social animals; therefore, at least two goats are necessary to be happy.
Six to 10 goats can be managed for small-scale operation or homesteading, provided that there is a suitable area for grazing alongside shelter. If you intend to breed your goats or if you intend to raise milk and meat, the herd might have to become larger, but balance this with your capability to support the animals.
About 250 to 300 square feet is needed per goat. Actually, that depends much on how much land, time, and resources you can spare for the care of your goats.
What are male goats good for?
Male goats are often found in goat farming and agriculture. The main purpose of a buck is breeding-the copulation with does is necessary to continue the herd. A farmer can selectively breed, thereby allowing selected traits to be passed down, such as increased milk production, larger animals, or even harder animals on whatever would be needed to enhance farm productivity.
Besides breeding, males are also fattened up for meat, primarily where chevon, or meat from goats, is in abundance. In many regions, they use their horns, skins, and fur for other commodities like leather or clothing materials.
Boer goat buck also play a part in the management of vegetation. They are used during clearing operations since goats are natural browsers, which helps keep check on unwanted plant species degrading the health of the pastures.
Although male goats are not usually kept for milk, they do have important roles in breeding and meat production as well as land management purposes.
What is the weight of 1 year goat?
This means that the weight of an one-year-old goat depends on both the breed as well as the state of health. A yearling for an average goat would weigh about 60 to 120 pounds or 27 to 54 kilograms.
Such as Saanen or Nubian dairy breeds. In general 80-120 pounds or 36 to 54 kg within upper end range.
Meats Breeds like Boer: weighing some 80 to 120 pounds.
Fibre Breeds (such as Angora) : He weighs about 60 to 90 pounds (27 to 41 kg).
Nutrition, genetics, and overall care also influence his development, as well as his weight.
Can goats live alone?
Goats are very social creatures so they do very well in a herd but not very well if kept alone. Separation leads to causing stress, anxiety, and other behavioral problems with goats. Generally, goats form bonds with their herd mates for safety and security.
Now if the goat must be kept singular, then some form of other company is required. Again, this could be another goat or sheep, but even a compatible animal-a dog, perhaps-is also feasible. There are also many ways one can provide what might be described as enrichment activities and human interaction in order to try to mitigate loneliness.
The ultimate for a goat’s welfare, therefore, would be to have two goats or more, or see that they get enough social contact with other animals. That would help create a healthier life and happiness for them as well as possible expressions of their natural behavior.
How long are goats pregnant?
Goats are said to carry for about 150 days, which is approximately five months. Of course, such time may slightly differ across the several breeds and individual cases. Nonetheless, proper care of both the mother and the kids during the gestation period is critical for both of them.
It is advisable that the doe owner monitors her closely with a good diet, vet care, and environment. The impending labor of the does shows nesting, restlessness, and swollen udders among others. These help in the prevention of stress at delivery time. The born does need apart from proper feeding, observation of the kids to ensure proper nursing and health conditions.
What are 5 uses of goat?
Goats are animals with many usages, where all their usages have a lot of benefits toward agriculture, society, and the environment. Among the five major uses for goats is: dairy, meat, hide, fuel, and draft. The below are brief explanations for each.
Milk production: Goats still stand as one of the most relevant dairy animals because they have quality milk which is either drunk fresh or processed into cheeses, yoghurt, and other diary products. Some persons prefer milk from goats than cow milk because it is easier to digest.
Meat: Chevon or caprine meat is the meat from a goat. It is the source of protein in most countries. It is lean and tasty and even plays several important roles to play in other food in the rest of the world.
Fiber: Angora and Cashmere goats fall among the breeds of very high quality fibers used in making clothes. The Cashmere is very expensive as it is soft and warm.
Land Management: Goats browse naturally and are constantly showing signs that have no weed and brush. Generally, entry to the land management of the goats is found for its use in the fight against fire as they open up such areas that are covered thickly.
Pet and Companion : It is bred as a companion animal and most of the percentage of goats bred in is for this purpose. Reportedly it’s an amiable animal that loves to play and be regarded in a loving way. It serves as a therapeutic medium for man to relieve his stress and emotionally improve his wellbeing by raising it.
At what age do goats grow?
Goats mature and attain the full development period at varying ages. Maturity time varies with breed, sex, and nutritional level in goats. And so, so to speak, it’s a general overview.
Kid stage: It is from birth to 3 months old, where the newborn goats, termed as kids, grow very rapidly; they double their birth weight within one week and start grazing with their mothers at 2 weeks of age.
Weaning Age: 3 to 5 months : A puppy weans itself from the mother at the age of 8 to 12 weeks. It has already perfected in its capacity to eat only solid food and its weight ranges from 40 to 70 pounds, depending on the breed.
Sub-Adult Stage (6 months to 1 year) : The kids go on growing normally but quite much faster. At this stage, however, they are still young animals and can very well start showing some of the normal sizes and features of adult animals.
Reaching maturity, 1 to 2 years: Most goats will reach pretty close to mature size by one to two years of age, although bigger breeds may take a little longer.
Kids grow almost exponentially in their first months, but goats actually reach maturity after 1 to 2 years.
How long do goats sleep?
Like other animals, goats sleep about 4 to 6 hours a day. Of course, some factors will change this time, such as age and environment. Among all the other animals, goats are the least likely animals to sleep for hours on end. They even sleep during day time and nightfall too, but vigilance is heightened so far as predators are concerned.
Kids, or young goats, sleep a little more since they will need more rest for proper growth and development. Another reason is that goats are crepuscular animals. They are more active during morning and late evenings, thus why they like to take a rest during the hottest hours of the day. Such proper care, especially a secure and comfortable sleeping place, would be absolutely indispensable for good night’s sleep of goats, thus maintaining their health and prosperous future.
How many times a day do goats poop?
This prodigious digestion by the alpaca’s and the goat went into their bathroom habits. A healthy goat will excrete between 8 and 12 per day, mainly according to many other factors which include diet, age, and health.
Their digestive system was represented by the breakdown of fibrous plant material. They could consume a lot of fiber and have a very quick intestinal action which would produce rapid bowel movements.
Diet is also very critical; goats feeding solely on a higher fiber diet like hay and grass are likely to poop a lot as compared to feeding grains.
The hydration level can also impact how frequently and oft they drop, and in what consistency.
Routine goat dung inspection enables a rough estimation of the overall health condition-the changes in frequency or texture are indicative of a problem either in diet or health of the animal.
What food attracts goats?
Goats are inquisitive and love to play. This eating habit, however, shows that characteristic, for they browse rather than graze. Leaves, shrubs, and trees constitute their preference rather than grass. These are some of the foodstuffs that especially attract goats:
Leafy and Foliage: Goats like grazing on fresh leaves of various plants: tender, leafy, or just pretty much everything, especially blackberries, shrubs, and tree leaves.
Hay: Due to the tendency to go through serious quantities, hay, especially good alfalfa or clover hay, is very crucial for the goats.
Grains : The goats will easily be attracted by grains like oats, barley, and even corn. These can thus be used as treats or supplements.
Fruits and vegetables : Goats love fruits and vegetables and will take to apples and pears, carrots readily. These can thus be used as nice snacks.
Special Treats : Some goats really respond very well to some attractions, like goat-specific pellets or molasses-based products.
Overall, goats are opportunistic eaters and probably would go for almost anything that presents like food and also is mildly palatable.
Do baby goats need water?
This is a yes because kids, young goats, need water for complete growth and development. However, though water introduction happens to them through mother’s milk, fresh drinking water must always be provided to them from an early age, especially from the moment they also start taking solid food at their age of two or three weeks.
Always have new fresh clean water available to your puppy, which will help digest food as well as prevent it from getting dehydrated from the weather or some uncontrolled play. Note the amount of water consumed so that you can assess if the puppy is drinking enough water for healthy good state.
Thus, with time, the amount of water that must be taken will increase, and hence there will always be a constant demand for a supply of water to the kids. That is to say, while milk hydrates the kid goat at the baby or youngling stage of its cycle, they will still need water because it happens at a time when they start feeding on other foods and continue growing.
At what age do goats start eating?
Normally, goats should begin to take and consume solid foods around the age of 2 to 3 weeks. Initially, they will start to nibble on little amounts of grass, hay, among other feeds though they must still go on being nursed to stay alive by feeding off milk from their mothers. By the time they reach some 8 to 12 weeks, goats can then shift to diet largely composed of solid foods. There should be good access to high-quality forage; they should be introduced slowly to prevent digestive upsets, and the growth and development should be supported.
Proper nutrition in their early stages will help ensure proper healthy growth, so it would be good to track their eating habits and consult a veterinarian on diet. They should already have experience with some solid food at around 8 weeks old when taken to weaning age, by then, they can easily shift to a solid diet completely.
Can goats get pregnant anytime?
Goats can breed throughout the year, although their breeding cycle is in synchrony with the regular seasonal change. However, most goats are seasonal breeders, coming into estrus or heat during certain seasons of the year, often during the fall. This is termed a breeding season and differs by breed.
The doe, the female goat, typically comes into heat every 18-24 days. It will stand in heat frequently for some 24 to 48 hours. If it mates with a buck within that time, then it will have a chance of pregnancy. In goats, gestation is about 150 days, and she will kid usually in the spring when it warms up enough to raise her lambs. With good management and controlled reproduction, kidding schedules in the goat calendar are quite flexible because goats can be bred at any time throughout the year.
How many days do goats grow?
The growth rate of goats differs with breed, age, and health status of the animals. A kid goat under normal circumstances six months old will reach about 70-80% of the adult size. Below is detailed growth
Birth to 1 Month: Growth takes place at an accelerated level, and kids will double their birth weight within the first week.
1 to 3 Months: At this stage, the baby has grown in his body part, and most weigh between 20-25 pounds.
3 to 6 Months: He or she will still retain a growth rate that is still a bit slower, weighing 40-50 pounds.
6 to 12 Months : They continue to grow and get bigger, nearing adult size for most breeds; many reach their mature weight by one year.
After one year growth slows. Fill out until age 2 to 3 years or even older, depending on breed.